Wednesday 16 July 2014

Procrastination or manana (manyana)

I am typically an early riser. This morning was such a lovely morning. By 7 I had walked dog in the fields and then rode my bike along the seawall. I hardly seen anyone and certainly talked to no one - so plenty of time to think - plenty of time to plan the rest of the day.

I have quite a lot of things to do. I always write a list - a moving list. There are always things to do!

But today is such a beautiful weather day in prospect - according to the forecasters the hottest day of the year so far.

A challenge - because I can readily procrastinate - a weakness maybe?

Or shall I adopt the Mediterranean approach - the one we romanticise about on our hols. Manana - tomorrow will do - is this a strength?

My pearl of wisdom - alongside smoking and obesity - I believe sustained STRESS ranks as the biggest killer. The ability to leave a job undone - a task not completed - without getting worked up or giving yourself or anyone else a hard time is in my view an asset. For myself I work in bursts - in spurts. When I feel like it the job gets done much better and much quicker than when I don't.

On the other hand a job not getting done now can make it harder to do later - a stitch in time etc! Jobs back up - it will save time in the long run to do them now - much more efficient.

Solution - I shall half procrastinate and half manana. Good to have balance in your life - ha! So which half to do - shall have to think about that over a cup of coffee ?!

1 comment:

  1. 6am is peaceful leaving home for work... as I travel on the M5 towards Wales I am joined by people I am sure are full of stress. Their driving is aggressive, impatient and constantly accelerating and decelerating, I guess many of them have a list too long or have a list which they have no motivation to address other than being fired.
    I suggest you take control of your list and put it in the bin.. just get up in the morning, cup of coffee, Statin, vitamins, viagara if needed for later, then do what must be done leaving the rest of the day to do what makes you happy.
