Wednesday, 21 April 2021

#ConspiracyTheorists typical characteristics and CT guide

I came across this by someone called Donna Ferentes and copy and pasted. Obviously they are generalisations and may or may not be correct.

10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists
A useful guide by Donna Ferentes

1. Arrogance. They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are trying to discover the truth: sceptics are always "sheep", patsies for Messrs Bush and Blair etc.

2. Relentlessness. They will always go on and on about a conspiracy no matter how little evidence they have to go on or how much of what they have is simply discredited. (Moreover, as per 1. above, even if you listen to them ninety-eight times, the ninety-ninth time, when you say "no thanks", you'll be called a "sheep" again.) Additionally, they have no capacity for precis whatsoever. They go on and on at enormous length.

3. Inability to answer questions. For people who loudly advertise their determination to the principle of questioning everything, they're pretty poor at answering direct questions from sceptics about the claims that they make.

4. Fondness for certain stock phrases. These include Cicero's "cui bono?" (of which it can be said that Cicero understood the importance of having evidence to back it up) and Conan Doyle's "once we have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth". What these phrases have in common is that they are attempts to absolve themselves from any responsibility to produce positive, hard evidence themselves: you simply "eliminate the impossible" (i.e. say the official account can't stand scrutiny) which means that the wild allegation of your choice, based on "cui bono?" (which is always the government) is therefore the truth.

5. Inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor. Aided by the principle in 4. above, conspiracy theorists never notice that the small inconsistencies in the accounts which they reject are dwarfed by the enormous, gaping holes in logic, likelihood and evidence in any alternative account.

6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad. Conspiracy theorists have no place for peer-review, for scientific knowledge, for the respectability of sources. The fact that a claim has been made by anybody, anywhere, is enough for them to reproduce it and demand that the questions it raises be answered, as if intellectual enquiry were a matter of responding to every rumour. While they do this, of course, they will claim to have "open minds" and abuse the sceptics for apparently lacking same.

7. Inability to withdraw. It's a rare day indeed when a conspiracy theorist admits that a claim they have made has turned out to be without foundation, whether it be the overall claim itself or any of the evidence produced to support it. Moreover they have a liking (see 3. above) for the technique of avoiding discussion of their claims by "swamping" - piling on a whole lot more material rather than respond to the objections sceptics make to the previous lot.

8. Leaping to conclusions. Conspiracy theorists are very keen indeed to declare the "official" account totally discredited without having remotely enough cause so to do. Of course this enables them to wheel on the Conan Doyle quote as in 4. above. Small inconsistencies in the account of an event, small unanswered questions, small problems in timing of differences in procedure from previous events of the same kind are all more than adequate to declare the "official" account clearly and definitively discredited. It goes without saying that it is not necessary to prove that these inconsistencies are either relevant, or that they even definitely exist.

9. Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims. This argument invokes scandals like the Birmingham Six, the Bologna station bombings, the Zinoviev letter and so on in order to try and demonstrate that their conspiracy theory should be accorded some weight (because it's “happened before”.) They do not pause to reflect that the conspiracies they are touting are almost always far more unlikely and complicated than the real-life conspiracies with which they make comparison, or that the fact that something might potentially happen does not, in and of itself, make it anything other than extremely unlikely.

10. It's always a conspiracy. And it is, isn't it? No sooner has the body been discovered, the bomb gone off, than the same people are producing the same old stuff, demanding that there are questions which need to be answered, at the same unbearable length. Because the most important thing about these people is that they are people entirely lacking in discrimination. They cannot tell a good theory from a bad one, they cannot tell good evidence from bad evidence and they cannot tell a good source from a bad one. And for that reason, they always come up with the same answer when they ask the same question.

A person who always says the same thing, and says it over and over again is, of course, commonly considered to be, if not a monomaniac, then at very least, a bore.

And this from Wikipedia

Wikipedia: conspiracy theory guide

1. Initiated on the basis of limited, partial or circumstantial evidence;
Conceived in reaction to media reports and images, as opposed to, for example, thorough knowledge of the relevant forensic evidence.

2. Addresses an event or process that has broad historical or emotional impact;
Seeks to interpret a phenomenon which has near-universal interest and emotional significance, a story that may thus be of some compelling interest to a wide audience.

3. Reduces morally complex social phenomena to simple, immoral actions;
Impersonal, institutional processes, especially errors and oversights, interpreted as malign, consciously intended and designed by immoral individuals.

4. Personifies complex social phenomena as powerful individual conspirators;
Related to (3) but distinct from it, deduces the existence of powerful individual conspirators from the 'impossibility' that a chain of events lacked direction by a person.

5. Allots superhuman talents or resources to conspirators;
May require conspirators to possess unique discipline, unrepentant resolve, advanced or unknown technology, uncommon psychological insight, historical foresight, unlimited resources, etc.

6. Key steps in argument rely on inductive, not deductive reasoning;
Inductive steps are mistaken to bear as much confidence as deductive ones.

Appeals to 'common sense';
Common sense steps substitute for the more robust, academically respectable methodologies available for investigating sociological and scientific phenomena.

7. Exhibits well-established logical and methodological fallacies;
Formal and informal logical fallacies are readily identifiable among the key steps of the argument.

8. Is produced and circulated by 'outsiders', often anonymous, and generally lacking peer review;
Story originates with a person who lacks any insider contact or knowledge, and enjoys popularity among persons who lack critical (especially technical) knowledge.

9. Is upheld by persons with demonstrably false conceptions of relevant science;
At least some of the story's believers believe it on the basis of a mistaken grasp of elementary scientific facts.

10. Enjoys zero credibility in expert communities;
Academics and professionals tend to ignore the story, treating it as too frivolous to invest their time and risk their personal authority in disproving.

11. Rebuttals provided by experts are ignored or accommodated through elaborate new twists in the narrative;
When experts do respond to the story with critical new evidence, the conspiracy is elaborated (sometimes to a spectacular degree) to discount the new evidence, often incorporating the rebuttal as a part of the conspiracy.'

» Wikipedia

Monday, 19 April 2021

#Conspiracytheorists COVID etc

I have written before about the good sense and social responsibility of having the covid vaccine. (PS 26/04/21 - for all those that do not believe the reality of covid look at what is happening in India right now - and still justify your assertions).

But there are conspiracy theorists pedalling the sort of stuff below. What I find amazing is these people latch on some marginal character and take their word as the most authoritative voice on a subject and run with it as unchallengeable proof. They are continually seeking to join dots regardless of the stretch or with any semblance of objectivity. It is incredible anyone would believe it but this is what some peoples lives amount to. What a waste of time and effort.

Professor Charles Morgan gives a lecture at West Point to US soldiers in the Visual Information Division on the latest technology in the field of Bio-Warfare, DNA reprogramming and human cell exploitation.. I have been saying in previous videos that the Corona-con JABS will have the capability to not only change human DNA, but can also enable a persons thoughts and actions to be influenced by remote control.. I can understand if some people thought that I was losing the plot, but I can assure the doubters that this technology absolutely exists and is going to used en-mass through the implementation of the CV19 JABS.. If you watch this video you will see the professor confirm what I have been saying in my videos for many months, in that it is now possible to control the mind of another person by remote control and to also take control over their physical body movements, thoughts and functions.. This is NO conspiracy theory, this is an absolute FACT!! I also wanna say that even this technology is still far behind the latest advancements which are kept from the public domain and are often used against the general public. I remember watching a documentary online many years ago in which a whistle blower stated that the current technology that we see being brought into the public domain is already over 25 years old, that has continued to make me aware that the so called latest advancements are in essence old technology.. The professor reveals that they can now store & conceal images and movies in DNA and bacteria, he also says that just 1 gram of human DNA can store the equivalent of 7 BILLION iPADS, think about that, just 1 gram, that is absolutely astonishing!!! He says that information and images can also be stored in bacteria on the human body which can then be placed in a dish and the information removed and also that when those same bacteria reproduce that it's offspring's will also be encoded with that same information. He also says that it is possible to programme a cell and direct it to target ANY part of the body, including the brain which can then also be reprogrammed and controlled from an outside force. This means that the CV19 JABS can contain all the technology that you will hear in this video and it is CHILLING what that same technology can do when they are primed to target and attack!!! Such is the level of accuracy of this technology that miniature nanobots about the size of dust particles can be programmed to attack any portion of the body to deliver a payload or virus directly into the bloodstream, organs, brain, eyes etc. The reprogrammed DNA cells can also lie dormant in whichever portion of the body it has been directed to and can remain there undetected until the appropriate electronic signal is delivered to re-activate it. He also says that they can manage and change peoples memories and perception and that they don't even need to persuade them, all that is needed is to change their memory through audio and visual images, in other words TV, which is exactly how the the general public have been lured into believing in the great Corona-con.. If you're a Christian you need to know that these JABS will enable the Luciferians to change your DNA and alter your perception of God, in fact, you will be programmed to detest him!!! The bible forewarns that the nations and people of the earth will hate biblical Christianity and will persecute bible believing Christians and this is how that is going to happen, they will alter the perception of every person who takes those demonic DNA changing vaccines.. This is a spiritual war, it has been foretold in the bible almost 3000 years ago and is now taking place before our very eyes!!! It is also worth mentioning that they can ERASE memories and install FALSE ones, just imagine if this is used to deceive the inhabitants of the earth into worshipping the beast, and off course IT WILL, because that's exactly what it was created to do

Sunday, 18 April 2021


If you live on the Isle of Wight you have walked on Culver Down and almost certainly sat around Culver monument and been stunned by the view. If you are a regular Solent / Channel sailor - the chalk headland or promontory that is Culver and the unmistakeable Yarborough Monument that sits on top - forms a reassuring sight (you have found the Isle of Wight - lol !)

Culver Down is a chalk down - that forms the eastern tip of the Isle of Wight - the chalk spine that runs through the length of the Island to the western tip where it is known as Tennyson Down and of course The Needles. (Downlandchalklandchalk downs or just downs are areas of open chalk hills, such as the North Downs. This term is used to describe the characteristic landscape in southern England where chalk is exposed at the surface. The name "downs" is derived from the Old English word dun, meaning "hill")

Why am I bothering to write a blog about Culver Down - somewhere anyone who knows the Island will already know?

Well I have been up on Culver a million times - well an exaggeration - but a lot! Familiarity breeds contempt they say. Well it is not contempt - I love being up on Culver - it is perhaps more we take it for granted - it always delivers and it is not hard to get to.

Why is Culver so special? I am sat here at my table and am going to think of a few reasons!

  • well - it is chalk down land and hard to beat for walking. Open - (invariably treeless) - a soft cushion of grass - by definition high - invariably agricultural (grazing) and unspoilt - as much of our down land is protected - SSSI designated.
  • Culver Down sticks out into the sea with the end facing east. Culver is a headland with Whitecliff Bay to the north and Sandown Bay to the south and far below. As such with its white chalk cliffs (as Dover) it is an extremely prominent landmark. There is a mass expanse of water to see and the seascape is invariably dotted with boats and ships and of course huge skies. The mainland is in view and it feels special to look down on it for some reason.
  • It always makes me smile to walk on chalk downs. It just seems staggering it was part of the seabed. (pushed up as a ripple effect of the clash between the Eurasian and African tectonic plates which created the Alps - see my geology of the IOW blog). Chalk is a soft, white, porous, sedimentary carbonate rock, a form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite and originally formed deep under the sea by the compression of sub-microscopic plankton which had fallen to the sea floor. 
  • Culver is quiet because there is only one narrow road in. There is little or no noise pollution. You can hear the birds unless it is windy - which it often is of course.
  • There are so many different footpaths to ascend and descend Culver. It can be a strenuous walk (not that strenuous or long really) which makes the view from the top something of a reward. Culver is a popular target for runners and joggers too. 
  • Have you noticed when you are up high looking down time seems to standstill. Everything in view is either stationary or moving very slowly. It is tranquil. 
  • The view from Culver is 360 degrees. You can see for miles and miles including much of the Isle of Wight.
  • Culver is a great place for a picnic - to lay in the sun because you can always find somewhere in the lee - to sit and contemplate - for a romantic tryst lol. The plinth around the Yarborough monument is a lovely place to sit and popular with the walkers. If you are very lucky you can find both the lee and the sun!
  • Sadly Culver has also been a place for suicide - a car over the cliff. (Apparently preventative measures have now been made.)
  • It is hard to get to the top of Culver and not think of the Walk the Wight because it is effectively the start of the great walk - 26 miles. We have a love hate relationship with WTW!
  • Culver is a great place to watch the spectacle of the Round the Island race if you get the timing right. Spinnakers flying as the boats come up the back of the Wight and then to turn into the eastern Solent to slog it out up to the Cowes finish (very occasionally it is the other way around and spinnakers to the finish
  • And last but not least the Yarborough Monument. It can be seen for miles as I have referred. I have  downloaded some detail : The monument is a memorial to Charles Anderson-Pelham, the 2nd Baron Yarborough (later first Earl of Yarborough and also Baron Worsley), founder of the Royal Yacht Squadron at Cowes. It was originally erected in 1849 on the highest point of Bembridge Down, 3/4 mile to the west, and was moved to its present position in the 1860s when its former site was used for the construction of one of the Palmerston forts.
  • To round off - a summary from Wikipedia. : 
Culver Down is a chalk down to the north of Sandown, Isle of Wight. It is believed that its name derives from "Culfre", which is Old English for dove.

The down has a typical chalk downland wildlife on the uncultivated areas (generally the southern and eastern slopes). This includes plants such as Small Scabious, Harebell, Cowslip and Lady's Bedstraw. The chalk cliffs to the north and east are important nesting places for seabirds. Historically, Culver has been the source of commercial bird's egg collecting from ropes over the cliff. It was also known for breeding peregrine falcons, as well as breeding Common Woodpigeons (Culvers), the source of the cliff's name.

The northern side is intensively grazed by cattle, so fertilization and poaching of the soil, not to mention a spell as an artillery training ground, have all but eliminated the natural chalk ecosystem.

On Culver Down a number of unusual ant species live, including the semi-myrmecophilous Solenopsis fugax (Latr.), a thief ant which was recorded there several times by Horace Donisthorpe. The ant Ponera coarctata has also been taken from this location.

The public parts of this prominent headland are owned and managed by the National Trust, and afford views of the English Channel.

For many years the whole site was a military zone and not open to the public. There are several historic military features on the down, a number of private dwellings, the Culver Haven pub, and the very visible Monument. The military barracks which once adjoined the monument has been almost completely erased, but there is a substantial fort, now under the ownership of the National Trust and occasionally opened to the public. Part of the fort is leased to Micronair, manufacturing crop-spraying and military equipment. It is a Palmerston Fort, constructed in the 1860s. At the end of the cliff is a coastal and anti-aircraft battery from the Second World War.

In 1545 a French force was intercepted crossing from its beachhead at Whitecliff Bay to attack Sandown by local levies under Sir John Oglander and a skirmish fought on the Down. The French were finally repulsed at Sandown.

The poet Algernon Charles Swinburne said in a letter that he had climbed the cliffs at 17, in order to prove his manhood to his family after they refused to let him join the army.

There is a legend that a 14th-century hermit lived at the end of the cliffs in a cave, in a structure then known as Culver Ness. He is said to have predicted that the well at Wolverton would be poisoned. When a pilgrim from Jerusalem came to bless the well, the vigilant and pious villagers are said to have murdered him. Shortly after, the French sacked the village and since then it has been lost beneath the trees of Centurion's Copse. They were repulsed from further mischief by Sir Theobald Russell. There was subsequently a great storm which destroyed the Ness and drowned the hermit. This was held to be divine retribution.

Here are a few photos :

Yarborough Monument - can be seen from miles away.

Sandown Bay

aerial view - Bembridge and the Solent beyond

from Yaverland beach Sandown Bay

Round the Island race