Monday 24 November 2014

We queue - while others push.

It is not necessary to travel that far in the world to notice a difference between how we conduct our daily business and how different it is in other countries.

We queue, we wait our turn.

In so many other countries they don't. They push in - they queue jump - sometimes blatantly often sneakily. It is every man - or woman for themselves - it is expected tolerated behaviour.

Of course it is better to queue - it is more civilised - it is more reasonable it is nicer.

However if you live in a world without state benefits, state funded health care, pensions etc etc - if you live in a world without a safety net - a world where Darwinian theory is acted out everyday - survival is a battle - perhaps it is not surprising that an "after you" mentality is too much of a luxury and you learn to grab what you can when you can.

This difference in mentality is one of the major reasons why the UK is such a migrant draw.

If you push and shove here the nice kind forgiving British will stand by and let you get away with it. If you take an inch, your default is to take another inch another inch another inch.

Britain I am sure is viewed by many migrants - not as kind and generous - civilised and mature - but actually as weak, gullible and unbelievably silly. If Britain is not going to say no - we are going to keep going after the freebies - to cash in.

When will Britain learn - when will the tide turn. Perhaps because of UKIP it is gradually starting to happen - our reticent population gradually finding a voice.

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