Monday 22 October 2018

#DividedBritain it is - and stopping a full Brexit will make it much worse.

(I am not advocating that the Brexit voter was only motivated by an opportunity to stop free movement. Many like me see democracy and self determination as the principle reasons to leave the EU. I believe the EU has become a bureaucratic anti democratic self serving inefficient nightmare. I actually believe it is going to fail and we can do far better outside it.) 


As a father of four tremendous young people and a grandfather of two beautiful and innocent little girls I am very worried about the future for our country.

Last week a significant report has been released evidencing an increasingly divided Britain. I have copied and pasted the summary below :

"Britain is hugely divided across cultural, age and education lines, a major study of national attitudes has concluded, warning of a potential rise in far-right and anti-Islam sentiments unless politicians tackle long-standing disaffections behind the Brexit vote.

There is a particular chasm between people living in affluent, multicultural cities and those from struggling post-industrial towns, according to the report from Hope Not Hate, based on six years of polling and focus groups.

The study by the anti-fascism advocacy group uncovers the often glaring extent of geographic splits between people of varying attitudes, with opposition to immigration and multiculturalism correlating closely with socio-economic deprivation."
It is evident to me that this report is essentially correct in its conclusions. In fact I would argue values and attitudes are becoming even more polarised and destructive than the report references. (in the heat of the protracted Brexit conclusion).

This is when the problem starts. From now on everything you read below is likely to be considered in polarised terms - either (or at least bordering on) racist, xenophobic, far right, ignorant, badly informed, typical Brexit mentality on the one hand or I agree and I am fed up with it and want to get our country back on track - on the other.  
It is evident many in the UK feel a London centric way of life is so untypical of the rest of the UK - it almost constitutes a different county and neither want part of each others world - or at least feel very uncomfortable or suspicious of it.
So many of the issues have been bubbling away in our society - I will list a few :
  • feeling politicians have failed or are wilfully reluctant to acknowledge the impact of vast and uncontrolled inward migration on our way of life.
  • overpopulation.The UK is forecast to have the largest population in Europe by 2035. SE the densest populated area in the EU?
  • disputed need and benefits for and of inward migration.
  • feeling a there has been a failure and wilful reluctance to acknowledge the impact of inward migration on wage rates and or do much about it in practical terms. Suspicion the privileged liberal elites massively benefit from cheap foreign labour to clean their cars and houses etc.
  • relentless portrayal of inward migration as positive for the UK by politicians and the liberal elites when many feel otherwise. 
  • denial of serious debate to engage with the real and commonsense based observed negatives expressed by some communities resulting from inward migration (either for self interest, for politically correct reasons and or reluctance to upset sensitive minorities (and the disorder that could arise as a result).
  • misplaced political correctness silencing reasonable and objective debate on the issues of migration and particularly the integration of followers of Islam into our society.
  • overplaying of the "racism" and "racist" cards to shut down reasonable debate.
  • dispute that migrants make a positive contribution when taking into account benefits such as GP's, school places, NHS services, social services, housing etc.
  • failure of government to differentiate between economic migration and political asylum.
  • strong adolescent men seeking asylum being portrayed as vulnerable children. ( asylum seekers predominantly men -  obvious question - where are the women - left behind in the war zone?)
  • failure of government to remove illegal migrants and failed asylum seekers. (made worse by porous borders and a chronically/wilfully inefficient legal system.
So far the approach of liberal elites (who largely control the media) and by politicians in the main has been to play down these issues, stifle debate  - and use terms like populists, extreme right wing, xenophobia, islamophobia  and racist - in an attempt to marginalise ordinary people with their "superior" intellect or more worthy values. It is trendy to do so. 

These attitudes and tactics have got us to the place we are now in - a deeply divided and fragile society.

Halleluiah - Brexit was the democratic opportunity for people wanting change to voice their desire for change. The end of free movement - the ability to control our own borders - an ability to universally change our benefits system - an opportunity to prioritize housing for our own - an opportunity to reset the NHS to be the national rather than international health service again - an opportunity to stop communities - their values and customs being distorted and undermined by uncontrolled economic migration.

Many people with liberal values will despair at these motivations. Many despise the Brexit voter. Many want to overcome the democratically held referendum result.

What if they are successful. What if the liberal elites manage to massively water down the Brexit vote or stop Brexit. What is the effect. What is going to happen? Two things. I) these deeply held and passionate feelings will again be ignored - will be trampled over by the nominally more powerful - and 2) our system of democracy will very publicly have been circumvented - broken down.

Democracy is the thread that holds our divided society together. The damage this will do to our society could be manifest. What precedent has been set. What defence will there be against anarchy?

I believe even the most passionate liberal would be sensible to support a democratic Brexit - to uphold our democracy. They can then work democratically with their arguments and points of view to build the society they want - to change views - but for now they have democratically lost the vote. A full Brexit as promised and as understood will be the only way our fractured society has any chance of healing - because it will take the heat out of a potential maelstrom.

(I appreciate many believe Brexit gives a green light to more racism - more anti migrant rhetoric. I do not agree. I think the opposite is true. If you rob the people of their democratic Brexit - what are they left with? If it is not the ballot box what? There will be an even greater sense of grievance against our political system and liberal elites and that will mean even more polarisation. A very dangerous state. A state of anarchy may be. A state of retribution ? At least and so far those that want change have observed our democratic system to bring it about - high minded liberal elites and Europhiles  seem to have forgotten it.)

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