Wednesday 20 May 2020

#FreeSpeechUnion from a member

Generally I am not one to join clubs and societies but I have subscribed by monthly direct debit (£2.49) to a new organisation called the Free Speech Union. This is the web site link :

Why have I joined? Simply put - because I thought freedom of speech was an unassailable bedrock principal that underpinned our society. It is a principal I absolutely believe in and support. However like many others I feel the principle of free speech is under siege - being attacked.

MY PERSONAL VIEW (just to be crystal clear I 100% support your right to disagree with me and express that view in any way you want except by closing me down (denying my right to hold and express these opinions) or by using violence).

In my particular case I think free speech is under attack by political correctness, distorted woke mentalities and those crying loudly they feel "offended" (there is no right not to feel offended as far as I know). I have a particular problem with the sensitivities of  many Muslim's who are demanding (and seem to be achieving) special limitations on free speech from our society when it comes to challenging their practices and beliefs.(too often underpinned by a threat of violence.).

I certainly have a problem with (what I see as) the overplayed (and erroneous) accusation of racism. To some - Brexit was racist - BAME death rate from the coronavirus is racist - pointing out most knife stabbings in London involve young black men - is apparently racist. Believing we are overpopulated (and the housing shortage in England) has significantly been caused by uncontrolled economic migration is racist - wanting to take a strong line with illegal Channel migrants is racist - believing multi culturalism does not work etc etc. I share all these views - but I am not a racist - but to what extent can I voice these opinions now without fear in a society that claims to support the principal of free speech? I observe a tide flowing against the principle of free speech and I believe the time has come to be more proactive in its defence.

I think supporting the Free Speech Union is a practical way of being proactive in supporting the principal of freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.


Statement of Values

The Free Speech Union stands for freedom of speech, of conscience, and of intellectual enquiry, which we regard as the essential pillars of a free society—the foundational freedoms on which all others depend. We believe that human beings cannot flourish outside a free society, which means they cannot flourish in the absence of free speech. Free speech is how knowledge is developed and shared, as well as our views about morality, religion and politics. Robust debate—appealing to reason, evidence and our shared values—is also the best way to resolve disagreements about issues big and small without descending to violence or intimidation. And free speech is the most effective bulwark against abuses of power by politicians, with history demonstrating that its denial is both the aim of tyrants, because it stops people criticising them, and an ominous precursor to the removal of other freedoms.
We believe that free speech is currently under assault across the Anglosphere, particularly in those areas where it matters most, such as schools, universities, the arts, the entertainment industry and the media. The aim of the Free Speech Union is to restore it and protect it.
We take no position on the validity of others’ opinions, political or otherwise, whether expressed in speech, writing, performance, or in another form. However, we condemn all incitements to violence.
We expect our members not to restrict others’ freedom of speech and we hope that when engaging in discussions and disagreements they keep faith with the spirit of the Enlightenment and use reason and evidence to prosecute their case, rather than engaging in ad hominem or seeking to silence opponents through harassment or intimidation. While we discourage offensive or personal attacks, particularly if based on a person’s membership of a particular group, we would not generally exclude people from joining the Free Speech Union, or try and kick out existing members, for engaging in uncivil behaviour (although we reserve the right to do so). The Free Speech Union believes that if society doesn’t uphold the right to express controversial, eccentric, heretical, provocative or unwelcome opinions, then it doesn’t uphold free speech.
As George Orwell put it, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Free speech is the bedrock on which all our other freedoms rest, yet it is currently in greater peril than at any time since the Second World War. The Free Speech Union is a non-partisan, mass-membership organisation that stands up for the speech rights of its members. If you think there’s a risk you’ll be penalised for exercising your legal right to free speech, whether it’s in the workplace or the public square, you need the protection of the Free Speech Union. How might we protect you?
  • If you find yourself being targeted by a digital outrage mob on social media for having exercised your legal right to free speech, we will mobilise an army of supporters.
  • If a petition is launched calling for you to be fired, when you’ve done nothing other than exercise your legal right to free speech, we’ll organise a counter-petition.
  • If you’re no-platformed by a university—a feminist professor who challenges trans orthodoxy, for instance—we’ll encourage you to go to law and organise a crowdfunding campaign to pay your costs.
  • If newspaper columnists and broadcasting pundits start attacking you for dissenting from orthodox views and opinions, we could get our allies in the media to come to your defence.
  • If you’re punished by your employer because you’ve exercised your lawful right to free speech, we’ll do our best to provide you with legal assistance.

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