Saturday 9 January 2021

#Leadership PT5 "trigger happy!"

Blimey its cold out there this morning (by IOW standards - it is all relative!). Anyway it was still and calm and no one around much. Result as often - thinking time and another blog lol! This one will not be long and I can rattle it off before breakfast (it has to be porridge today!)

Over the years I have written 4 blogs about leadership - not that I profess to be an expert - but they related to points I have picked up over the years and have been useful to me. Oddly enough they regularly have hits and I have even had some good comments - ha!

Anyway this morning's pearl of wisdom! Well it is nothing particularly original - but wisdom can come in many forms.

A Netflix bank robber heist. The two top guys are discussing their hand picked team for the job. The deputy suggest x. The leader says no - "he is trigger happy". The deputy says "he is ok - he has calmed down". The leader says "in my experience people never really change - it is better to accept what they are and do what you can with them". 

There is something in this. Leaders/managers are very often trying to address employee weaknesses. Of course you have to do this where you can. The dreaded PIP - Personal Improvement Plan !!

We have all heard the expressions - he is a square peg in a round hole. She is a round peg in a round hole. It is obvious you tend to get most out of someone - you getter better cohesion - when roles suit -  when it is a good fit.

It is also the case that a lot of engergy can be taken up focusing on weaknesses rather than exploiting strengths. Another corny adage - care you don't throw the baby out with the bath water!

This takes me back to John Adair and the 3 circles (3rd blog). A good leader will find a way of encouraging a subordinate to consider their strengths and weaknesses and get them to conclude themselves that they might be better suited to another role. This can be win all round.

Maybe you can address the weaknesses.

Maybe you can't and if the square peg is jammed in a round hole more drastic action is required. In the modern world - a disciplinary leading from a fully documented PIP. What a faff that can be!

The Netflix leader kept the hot head in the van - he was the getaway driver - lol!

Porridge time!


  1. “UK Government May Only Let People Out Once A Week, Prevent People From Talking In Supermarkets”
    No problem! You can order in, sit back and watch cuties on Netflix
