Saturday 6 July 2024


Behind with my blogs - the IOW Randonee was Sunday 5th May.

Pretty much every year for many years we have done the IOW Randonee if we are around. It has become a rite of passage. Like - why do people climb mountains - because it is there. Why do you do the randonee - because the IOW Cycling Club very kindly take the trouble to organise it so it is there. Unless we had something better to do I think we feel we would be disappointed in ourselves not to have a go. I think there is also a bit of reverse snobbery coming into play - might be a way to describe our motivation too. In the old days the Randonee was an all comers event and while it still can be it is more and more cycled by proper cyclists in lycra on fast expensive lightweight kevlar road bikes. We get out our heavy old hybrids - jump on and pedal with little more preparation than pumping up our tyres and making sure the brakes work - ha!

The Randonee - a clockwise circuit is 100k - 62 miles or so. The great thing about it - the wonderful thing about it - is you have a chance to see the IOW at its best. The other thing is it is just good fun - it is a fun challenge without being brutal.

This year the weather wasn't great but we barely got wet. We had those lovely couple of beers in The Solent Inn at the end to be followed by a curry takeaway on a tray in the armchair after a hot shower before flaking out for a great nights sleep - ha!. Pretty much a perfect day really.

usual 7.30 am start from Seaview

some mob photos from the day in no particular order I am afraid

Lunch stop Freshwater Primary School

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