Saturday 19 July 2014

Hitler, Putin, Blair & Bush, Obama, Muslim extremisism, The Israelis

There has been much historical debate about whether the Second World War could have been avoided. There is a consensus I believe that in practical terms the only way it might have been achieved would have been for the West to intercede in Hitler's rise to power much earlier - to have put much more pressure on Germany before the whole thing got out of hand as it eventually did of course. There was not the political will in reality - or perhaps the perception of where it was heading.

A question - where is Putin heading. What are his aspirations. Crimea - Eastern Ukraine next. The land grab is very popular at home. Who is going to stop him?

Too many counties in the EU are dependent on Russian natural resources. Too many EU countries have no wish to stand up to Putin because they have an eye on Russian markets.

Putin is on a roll. Very dangerous.

Blair & Bush advocated intervention in the middle east.The consensus now is they were wrong to do so.

As a consequence Obama has retreated and the US is no longer playing the world policeman's role. There is a void.

So what is happening?

Syria is happening. Iraq is being torn apart. A Muslim fundamentalist state is emerging. What will be the global consequences of that as momentum gathers. Eventually the west will intervene. The loss of life and destruction are likely to be much greater when they do.

In the meantime the Israelis yet again take preventative action to stop the people who deny their right to exist in peace destroying them They live in the real world. They have no choice.

Easy to feel disgusted by human kind.

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