Monday 29 June 2015

#Greekreferendum yes or no - an objective view

Which outcome will be best for the Greek people?

My starting point is the Troika bail out conditions are not motivated to help the Greek people. Any help the EU offers is self serving. The bail out is about the wider credibility of the EU project, reducing the risk of contagion particularly in the banking sector and keeping other indebted southern EU member countries in "austerity" line.

Greece is bankrupt. It can never repay its debts but the EU is prepared to sustain the charade that Greece can, in order to serve the wider EU interest above. The charade is an extremely painful and depressing one for Greece to maintain. The latest bail out is exactly that - it offers no long term solution to Greece. It ties Greece in to decades of austerity which offers no hope of the Greeks being able to learn lessons from their past, work hard to get their house in order and have a brighter future.

If Greece votes no in the referendum there is no doubt life in Greece could be dreadful for several years. There will be poverty. There will be the risk of anarchy. The Greeks will have to start again. However the advantage is they will be facing up to their situation and taking charge of it. They can build a collective brighter future. The Greek nation can rebuild their self respect and other countries are likely to respect them for taking charge of their destiny. They will not be without help. Many people in the EU will recognise their plight and be sympathetic and helpful to them - it could so easily have been us!

As an aside - I hope the Greeks vote no to the bail out. It will serve to give the EU the massive bloody nose it deserves. It will shatter the trough dipping, anti democratic, self serving complacency of the Brussels machine. The EU desperately needs this wake up call.

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