Monday 27 July 2015

#Rehydration get on with your life!

The other day I was at our local swimming pool. I watched a guy (who obviously needed some exercise) set up his bottle of water at the end of the pool. He swam a couple of lengths and then faffed around rehydrating. Swam two more and did the same. I see people out for a gentle jog carry bottles of water which they continually stop and sip at. You see people rehydrating everywhere. The bottled water industry have really got the public where they want them. I have always thought it unnecessary and obsessive in our weather climes to be drinking gallons of additional water every day. Different of course if you are doing extreme exercise or you are in the tropics.

The articles below bear out the common-sense your body tells you. Get on with your life, get on with some solid exercise and save yourself some money!

How much water should I be drinking?
Dr Chris van Tullekan answers that perennial question: how much water should I really be drinking?

Also see this link

There's a popular myth that we should all drink 8 glasses of liquid a day - and some even say that this excludes all caffeinated and alcoholic drinks - but actually there’s very little evidence for this at all.
Our bodies have a very good system of keeping us well hydrated, and how much we need to drink is very much determined by the temperature, what we’re doing, and what we’re eating.
We get a lot of liquid from our food, and research shows that just because a drink has caffeine in it, or even a little alcohol, it doesn’t stop our bodies from using the water in it.
People often say that by the time you’re thirsty it's too late, you’re already dehydrated, but there's no evidence for that at all.
Drink when you're thirsty and don't worry about counting the glasses of water.

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