Sunday 7 February 2016

#Weather and being English

Just back from my early morning bike ride along the sea wall. This blog will be a short one because it is Sunday and for some reason there is a lot I want to do today. As I have said before - many times - boringly so, no doubt - the bike ride is thinking time. Here are one or two thoughts from today!

I read this and it meant me smile (and thought I would share it with you)  VeryBritishProblems@SoVeryBritish                         
Accepting a quick drink: - look at watch - don't actually take in what time it is - say "yeah go on then" - wake up next to half a kebab!

Fortunately that rarely happens anymore (and a kebab was never a preferred choice of late night munchies). There were times when it might have happened. Times like yesterday. Rugby international. 3 pints of session real ale. The evening is young. Getting close to the point of no return. I am smiling writing this. A clear head - full of beans. A great decision. Went home!  

Thinking about the rugby. Full of anticipation and really enjoyed it. Two grumbles - I shall try not to be overly nationalistic - certainly jingoistic - realise the dangers - we are all safer being one federal blob apparently - according to the pro EU lobby - (actually we probably are.)

The first is the English national anthem. We don't have one. We embarrassingly sing God Save The Queen. This is not ours, it is the Unions together. We need something for ourselves. Flower of Scotland is so brilliant. Jerusalem is the obvious choice for us English. It would be so much better - so much more meaningful.

The second - can I get so passionate about an English team with an Australian coach? I want to but it is hard. Any success feels watered down. The French just cannot understand it. Your national team led by a foreigner! It might not be progressive. It might be narrow but I would much prefer all national teams to be led by one of their own. Certainly the English national teams.

Anyway I started this blog with the intention of writing a few lines about the English weather. It was cold, light and clear when I exited the house this morning. (summer is definitely on the way - ha!). I cycle for 3 minutes - I am by the sea - there are strong cold gusts blowing me back - a good bit of fresh air and I have the right gear on. Two minutes later - the wind drops. Still amazingly bright. Out of nowhere a lashing shower. One minute later - the shower turns to hail. It is very heavy. Briefly the path is covered with thousands of little ice balls. My trousers are soaking wet. 2 minutes later back to the gusts - the sun is out. Not long after I get to the harbour. On the way back a gentle breeze is behind me - there is a wonderful open sea vista - a brilliant big low sun. It feels warm. Gloves off - unzip my coat a bit. In total 20 or 25 minutes have past from setting off. This is the English weather. I think about the old Cornwall joke for the holiday makers - "if you don't like the weather - wait five minutes!" Would it be nicer to be like Fargo (on Netflix) - filmed in Alberta, Canada I think. It is always freezing in winter - always snow covered. That is not England - you do not know what you are going to get most of the time!

On the weather - just a further thought. Some peoples lives are governed by the weather forecast. They sit and wait for the perfect forecast before they venture out. The weather dictates their plans. It makes them grumpy if the weather is not right (good). Surely this is a mistake. The weather is the weather. Forecasts are often wrong. Might as well get out in it and enjoy it what ever it throws at you. It is almost always better than it sounds from indoors. The English weather is brilliant and certainly would not swop it for everyday the same, even if it is Mediterranean (or maybe....!!)    

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