Thursday 25 August 2016

#Thailand PT1

I normally try and do a big trip late autumn, early winter and would have the organisation and planning well underway by this time. However this is not the case this time. There are reasons not to go. I am committed to the Clipper Pacific leg in April 2018 and start the first weeks training in September - there are significant financial implications. My own little sailing boat Goldcrest has been a focus and has consumed time and money and there is still plenty to do (but as an aside tremendously satisfying)  and I am trying to train for the Paris marathon in April next year. I know a trip away will put my training back. However there are always reasons not to do things and I have decided not to fall into that trap as I have got so much from my travels. I am going to go somewhere.

Where to go? There are still plenty of places I have not been - many I would still like to go to of course. One limitation is I feel I only have 3 weeks this time and that is not enough for a number of places on my list because of distances involved. Another factor is cost and the falling £ has not helped. I might have gone to the middle east - Petra in Jordan is on my list but now is probably not the right time.

I have been thinking about Thailand. I have never been but there is hardly a place more on the tourist map - visas are easy - costs seem reasonable - and of course there is plenty of information available. When a middle aged man mentions Thailand eye brows are often raised - but that is not what it is about for me. There is a lot to do and see of course. Thailand is the exotic far east . There is plenty of trekking available in their national parks and there is Thai food!

My initial research shows there are return flights for under £400 - and hostel accommodation at £10 per night or less. I know street food is cheap as is bus transport (although I am exploring train use as well) I can backpack light and mid October early November seems a reasonable time to go from a weather point of view.

So Thailand makes sense. I am going to go. Already I have an outline plan and the first inklings of excitement.

I will document my progress as usual.

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