Tuesday 8 October 2019

#Brexit why Remainers should take a deep breath and recalibrate

To say positions on Brexit have become entrenched would be an understatement. The remain position has polarised to the extent that they have stopped objective analysis of their position. They just want to stop Brexit at all cost. They just want to stay in the EU regardless of anything else because they are remainers and they must win.

It seems to me our whole nation would benefit if remainers stopped for a deep breath and looked objectively at the EU - where it is heading if Brexit is stopped and what impact overturning the Brexit decision will have on the UK.

I am suggesting to remainers their fight has become irrational. If they thwart Brexit their "victory" will be a pyrrhic one only and therefore they should stop now and let the democratic imperative happen. Everyone will be better off if they do.

Why irrational? Why pyrrhic?

Put simply irrational because remainers seem to believe they can overturn Brexit and the status quo will be resumed ie we will back to where we were pre referendum.

And a pyrrhic victory only - because we will not be returning to a status quo - far from it. Our future will be diminished and bleaker for generations to come.

Some meat on the bones of these assertions!

Point one. Like it or not - however it is achieved - if Brexit is overturned a very significant number of people who voted to leave the EU will feel cheated. They will feel democracy has been thwarted. They will feel the gloves are off. No longer will it be necessary to respect and uphold a democratic decision if we do not like it. Massive damage will have been done to our democratic system - a system that until now has held our disparate society together. And what of our international reputation? The UK ignored a democratic decision. The UK a bastion of democracy. No longer will we be able to take democracy out into the world with credibility. So not back to the status quo. Democracy will be diminished in the UK going forward and people should be very troubled about that.

Point two. We will be returning to the EU in effect to resume where we left off pre referendum. Are you joking?

Europhiles will see this as a great victory for their project. They would have demonstrated it is impossible to leave. They will be hugely empowered. There will be no stopping their ambition to move to a federal Europe. We no longer will be able to be a brake on EU integration - no longer will they allow us to be semi detached. With majority voting we will be over run. Unelected anti democrats like Verhofstadt and Junker will be lording it as Kings and Emperors. Macron will be rubbing our noses in it. Billions more guaranteed for French farmers - and of course no holds barred on free movement now!

Point three - do you want to live in a society where deceitful, duplicitous people like Soubry, Grieve, Lucas, Swinton, Wollaston, Allen, Major, Thornberry, Blair, Adonis and Campbell etc have prevailed over 17.4 million leave voters. I don't. They CANNOT be allowed to get away with it. What sort of society will we be if they do?! Our national self esteem will be on the floor. That will greatly impoverish us for generations.

So there could hardly be more at stake. Fortunately plenty of people realise that and I am confident Leave will prevail but I despise those that are fighting against the democratic imperative of the referendum leave vote. History will treat them harshly because they are duplicitous and anti democratic and in many cases no more than an EU 5th column and therefore traitors. Shame on them.

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