Wednesday 3 February 2021


Yesterday I came across a Facebook discussion group called " Defund the BBC ". This was for me - and joined. 

On acceptance I made the following two posts and feel better for it.

Post 1

BBC no doubt relieved when covid came along to fill the Brexit news gap. Gave their smug liberal elite journos something else to try and undermine the gov't with using wilfull negativity and anti gov't bias. The majority electorate are having none of it. BBC in freefall. The licence fee is justified as an effective way of funding the BBC's public service remit. As the BBC are no longer fulfilling that remit because they are acting as a de facto political party pushing their own agenda/manifesto - they no longer warrant the licence fee privilege and should secure their funding from those that want to support them. That is definititely not me.

Post 2 

The BBC is badly guilty of pursuing a policy of social engineering. The BBC is driven by a woke Londoncentric liberal elite exploiting the BBC's privileged position as a public service broadcaster to indoctrinate the public with their particular view of how we should think and act. This must end - it is an abuse of their remit. Defunding the BBC is the surest way forward. They can then derive their funding from their supporters - rather than from people like me who despise much of what they promulgate. They are damaging and undermining our nationhood, our history, our democracy and what we stand for.

Less than 24 hrs later the posts have had over 600 likes etc, drawn 53 supportive comments and 68 shares.

Unless the BBC makes radical editorial and programming changes the momentum is rising to end the licence fee privilege. Of course there are other reasons too - many feel the programming is just poor value compared to the increasing diverse ways of finding content and should no longer be compulsory.

I am really hoping Andrew Neil's GB News will pile further pressure on the BBC as viewers desert in their droves. Great to see Ouestion Times viewing figures plummet. It is exactly what the editors deserve as a result of their woke liberal elite bias.

BBC Declared Most Biased News Service By The British Public (

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