Friday 30 December 2022

#BBC more academic evidence - BBC dramas ‘warping modern Britain’ by ‘allowing Left-wing bias’

Yesterday I posted a Telegraph report written by their Associate Editor Gordon Rayner which summarised the findings of an academic report which clearly conclude the BBC is guilty of "rewriting British history" to promote a woke agenda in "biased documentaries. 

Today I am posting a report again written by Gordon Rayner (taken from todays Telegraph) covering the findings of another academic report by The Campaign for Common Sense. It has looked into left- wing bias in the BBC's drama output.

This is all very worrying stuff. I am campaigning to defund the BBC because they are abusing their position as a public service broadcaster. I believe their output is social engineering based on a left wing woke liberal elite agenda which is as the report concludes "warping modern Britain".

Here is the report :-

BBC dramas ‘warping modern Britain’ by ‘allowing Left-wing bias’

Some shows such as EastEnders and Vigil described as being close to propaganda due to criticisms of Brexit and government agencies

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