Saturday 10 December 2022


Just a quick blog - a message to myself perhaps.

I have just been out for my early morning bike ride. It is cold - still -  and beautiful out there. We have had the lightest dusting of snow overnight giving the landscape an exaggerated tone and there is a hint of slipperiness giving bike riding an extra dimension which actually I enjoyed.

Often on my bike rides my mind is not set on a theme and thoughts develop as I gently and quietly ride along. I am mindful that xmas is approaching and family are coming - so there is a lot of things I want to to do in preparation - especially as I have been away for a week. To be honest this is a joy and feels like a privilege. Then there is the World Cup quarter final later today - England v France - a huge match which I am looking forward to and have an optimistic feeling about.

But my mind starts being drawn back to the news agenda that I read before I came out. The news is relentlessly negative. I am irritated by it - if I am honest possibly even stressed about some of it. This is ridiculous - why am I allowing a "mainstream media" whose opinions and motives I largely despise set my thinking agenda - affect my karma - my day. It is crass. It has to stop. It is virtually pointless. 

Why don't I just focus on my lived experience? Why drag it down with what the MSM think is important especially as I do not trust them or respect them much in the main?

The trouble is I believe in democracy - I believe as citizens we should be engaged in order to shape our society - the future society. I have to care about the world my children and grand children will be growing up in. It is hard/irresponsible to be an ostrich or pull up the drawbridge. (I am in a battle against socialism, victim mentalities, politics of envy, perverted wokeness, freeloaders and virtue signallers - green field development, over population, diminution of British values and for freedom of speech, equal under the law, living within our means, the virtue of work, low taxation and small government.) But that is almost what I feel I want to do - should do. I can't

But anyway - message to self. Much more emphasis on lived experience - after all you only have one life - ha! xxxx

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