Wednesday 1 October 2014

Squash and running update

Right now it would be easy to conclude I am trying to do too much and as a result I am doing neither of them as well as I could and that is daft. However I am a gemini and there is always another view - ha! I also have a strong sense that if  I give either up I would feel I have let myself down because it is possible to do both - certainly for a while at least until I get over the hump of clashing demands.

I want to play league squash. I lost another match 3-1 on Monday night. This is frustrating because I was technically better but did not have the squash fitness to exploit it. My stamina is ok, my flexibility is pretty good but I cannot sustain front to back rallies for very long. Partly this is simply age - but it is a lot to do with not playing enough squash and therefore having the right type of fitness.

On the running front in preparation for the Great West Half Marathon on October 19th I have made a reasonable attempt to follow the training programme - but I cannot follow it properly because I have to break the schedule to give myself a rest (min 1day before) and and possibly (one day after) a squash match.

Over the last few weeks - and despite regular hot baths, swimming and rub downs - my legs and knees are always aching. I have had shin splints. My run last night was 7 miles - and I started with aching legs!

That is the negativity out of the way.

On the positive side I have done ok with the squash and enjoyed it and showed myself I can compete still. I have one more game in this league - should stay where I am which is good - and then there will be a break enabling me to have clear focus, for the next couple of weeks on the running.

The running has been hard. It is a real drain on everything else. I am no more than a plodder. It is a sort of masochism. It is a sort of pleasure! I really enjoy the satisfaction and overall tiredness that comes after a long run. It is a bit of a drug.

I am hoping with the Exeter HM - running on a relatively flat course - with lots of people around will help me. I am pretty sure I can get around but ambitions about  a 2 hour time were and are unrealistic. Finishing well without stopping will be enough for me.

Once the running is done I can give the squash more focus - but will have to juggle the matches to take into account my Everest Base Camp trek that starts at the end of the month. The running has been excellent preparation for it - which is another big bonus that spins off the running.

Hard to envisage a life without some sort of challenge even if it is a self inflicted one!

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