Monday 9 June 2014

10/06/2014 religion in state schools

There is a divisive storm brewing over alleged "trojan horse" tactics employed by motivated Islamists in a number of Birmingham state schools.

Here is my take :-
  • It is an absolute and fundamental freedom to be able to pursue your religion or not pursue any religion at all.
  • If we allow state schools to be "church schools" which we do - Church of England, Catholic, Jewish - then it follows there can be Islamist schools without complaint.
  • We increasingly live in a secular society. We live in a multi faith society.
  • Children are vulnerable to undue influence and indoctrination.
  • We must strive to acknowledge differences and live and let live without bigotry or feeling threatened. The state agenda through state funded schools should be to instil a general liberal (small l) attitude of peace and reconciliation with an underlying theme based on "british" values and particularly "british" institutions.
The only way I can see this can be achieved is to remove religion tags from ALL state schools. State funded schools should follow a "national curriculum" which teaches understanding and respect for all religions and non believers.
The state should play no role in pedalling a particular set of beliefs. Its role should be to influence the development of well rounded, well adjusted young people who can go forward into the world with a sense of intellectual freedom, tolerance and respect for their fellow citizen.

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