Monday, 30 June 2014


Hands up I am no expert on this. However I think shoppers should be able to make some basic assumptions when shopping at supermarkets.

1) Economies of scale apply. Buying a large jar of coffee should be relatively cheaper than buying a smaller one.

2) Buying multi packs will work out cheaper than buying single items.

3) Own brand is cheaper than branded items.

4) 3 for 2 or 2 for 1 offer a genuine saving rather than they just jack up the price of the single item to make it look better.

You can be sure of none of the above when shopping at Tesco. They play a manipulative and immoral pricing game to try and con the shopper. Gradually we are on to them and I am sure it is one of the reasons their corporate performance has dipped.

While I am having a go wouldn't be nice if their staff were genuinely helpful and engaged rather than pretending they are in a dreadful corporate way.

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