Thursday 24 November 2016

#Bangkok 1st Night Thailand PT7

Now the night time bike ride organised by a Dutch company and recommended. First I have to find my way to River City for the start. I had previously been advised the best way and cheapest was to use the river taxi system but I get approached by a Tuk Tuk driver. I ask how much. Precis. He says 300. I think he is trying it on and say “too much”. He says how much you pay - I say 100. He looks grumpy - I feel a bit grumpy being taken for a fool. He says ok 100 with a stop. He says stop good for you good for me ( it is a selling opportunity - he gets commission- they are a pain.) I said no stop. He gives up in disgust and I walk off in disgust. By the way a Tuk Tuk driver had tried to scam me earlier in the day - another story. Anyway I immediately get stopped by a nice man who seemed to represent the drivers there. He asked me where I wanted to go and what I had offered to pay. I told him and expected him to try and get my business. He directed me to the River taxi immediately! I feel bad. The original Tuk Tuk driver had probably quoted a reasonable price. I would like to apologise to him if I could! River City is obviously longer or more difficult to get to than I thought.
Next find the river taxi to pier 6. I find the pier I know. I ask the old lady selling tickets for the ferry to pier 6. She points to Wat Arun across the river where I had been earlier in the day. So on the same ferry as before and jump on the river taxi eventually for pier 6 I hope. The ferry is very busy - commuter time. Anyway off we go. Straight over to the side I have just come from but about 200 yards down river. I could have walked there if I had known.

I get to River City - two lovely little Thai guides. We get kitted out for a tour of  the sites of Bangkok through the back alleys and including Chinatown, amazingly across the river again with our bikes on the ferry to Wat Arun for the third time and eventually Wat Pho for the second time! Evidently I should have read the itinerary more carefully but it really didn't matter. It was great fun, seen a lot including a flower market and was introduced to a stall in Chinatown that sells insects and bugs to eat. To be honest in the main they were just crunchy without much taste (a bit of a not lovely after taste.) The grasshoppers were ok and the frog nice - a chicken type meat albeit a small amount. But even I couldn't bring myself to eat a black scorpion on a stick!

Wat Pho was a second time but the cycle company had permission to enter at night. We were the only people there - it was quiet and beautiful.

So the night bike ride is over - a Tuk Tuk back to the hostel but for devilment I say Khaosan Road instead. He says 200. I say , 150 he laughs and agrees. The roads are quiet now. He drives like the clappers. A gocart ride. Disaster - we are bombing up a fast road of high buildings - wind tunnel effect. Off comes my favourite and trusty cap - straight out the back and lost for ever. Bummer!

Khaosan Road beckons. I see a 7 Eleven. Buy a bottle of Chang which they open ( I still this is amazing ) - and I wander off in the crowds of the infamous den of iniquity. A great laugh. I get to the other end. Khaosan Road can wait until tomorrow night - my last night. Back to the hostel - shower - I am drained - mentally as much as physically - what a memorable fun day. I felt safe throughout - a compliment to the lovely Thai people.

Night flower market. Marigolds are lucky.


Wat Pho 

Guide handing out Thai snacks

Crunchy insect snacks

Scorpion on a stick

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