Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Three Tenners - episodes 2,3,4 and up to date 5

After Brecon we decided to do some more serious hiking. Dartmoor is home territory for us being Devon lads and for my brothers still on their doorstep. For those that don't know it - Dartmoor is 365 square miles of National Park- one of the England's largest areas of exposed granite outcrop. It is  mixed in with sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and shale and slate. It is a dramatic empty moorland prone to rapid changes in weather as prevailing south westerly's dump the weather from the Atlantic on the first high ground it hits. Dartmoor can be bleak, fog and mist a frequent factor and the open, sometimes boggy terrain can be challenging to navigation

We started off with day walks - including 1)  Haytor, 2)Easdon Tor and Bowerman's Nose, 3)Hound Tor, Saddle Tor and Top Tor and 4) Mardon Down and Blackingstone Rock.

Our last trek was different. It was just a week ago - so August. It was never really cold but it certainly became wet. It seemed we had the whole moor to ourselves - apart from ponies and sheep and occasional cattle. We set out from Meldon Reservoir and walked up Red-a-ven Brook to the high moor. We eventually got to the highest point on the moor High Willhays and then Yes Tor - apparently 7 feet lower but seemed higher throughout.

We descended to the West Oakment River to camp overnight and then walked out via the wonderful and mysterious Black-a tor copse the next day.

It was particularly different because we wild camped. We each had our own tent, cooked our own food etc etc and loved it. We each discovered deficiencies in our gear and preparation which we have agreed we will strive to put right for the more challenging walks we have agreed we want to do through the autumn and winter. I need a better tent certainly. On the equipment front there is a balance to be struck between weight and strength and of course price so research to be done and funds to find.

The last point - navigation. I use an OS map and compass. Rob and Mike have bought hand held GPS's. Initially they struggled with them - but they are now coming good and a great sense of security can come from the confirmation they can offer. I was sceptical. I am now glad they have them.

Below are a load of photos that give a pretty good idea of what we have been up to.

Approaching High Willhay's

High Willhay's

Tumble 1

At the start - too tidy to be the finish?

Mike's entry for the Nigella award!

Yes Tor

Tumble 2

Tumble 3

Rob trying to end it all

Mike reflective at the end

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